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6th Grade Counselor

Click on the link below for Sweetwater Middle School Counseling Services

Dr. Brian Cunningham

OFFICE NUMBER: 770-806-8943


Welcome to Sweetwater Middle School!  My role is to identify and provide services to support student achievement.  Use the website and Parent Portal to stay informed.  Please do not hesitate to contact me whenever I may be of further assistance.

Individual Counseling

These sessions are provided to assist students with a variety of educational and personal concerns. The primary purpose of these sessions is to help students explore their concerns, make appropriate plans of action, and be successful in following through with their plans.

Small Counseling Groups

Small groups are offered as part of the school's developmental program. All groups emphasize building a positive self-concept and guiding students to reach their potential. Students may participate with parent permission only.


Classroom topics are developmental and designed to support students academically and are aligned with the AKS, GMAS, Quality Core Curriculum, and the state Board of educational Core Values.


The counselor consults with parents, teachers and administrators to discuss the educational, social and emotional needs of our students, enhance individual development and academic success, and promote an optimal learning environment for all students.



Semester 1:

Teen Lures




4 yr. plan


Senior letters/conferences


Naviance Career Lessons



•Semester 2

Teen Lures




Senior Survey


Naviance IGP



**How does my child request to see a counselor?

Counselor appointment request can be made online via the students eClass portal.  Students may also submit counselor request in writing via our “Google Form” sign-up sheet online. If there is an emergency, students should ask a trusted adult to request to see a counselor immediately. 



· Advisement & Counselor taught classroom lessons

· Various topics including, but not limited to, Social/Emotional Learning, Careers, Interpersonal Skills, Academic Success, and Teen Lures

· Align with Georgia’s Competencies for the appropriate grade level, as well as the American Counselor’s Association’s (ASCA’s) Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success

The 21st Century Comprehensive Counsel­ing Program (21C3), designed in partnership with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), helps GCPS counselors evaluate how the school counseling program makes a difference for students. 21C3 is based on the ASCA National Model, which reflects a comprehensive approach to program foundation, delivery, management, and accountability. 

Core Curriculum

Individual and Group Counseling

Parent and Teacher Consultation

Student Attendance Review Meetings

Crisis Management


Peer Leadership


We are available Monday-Friday from 8:30 am-4:30 pm.

How To Contact The Counselor

1. Call or email the counselor during office hours. If you choose to email, please include:

o First & Last name

o Student ID #

o Concern/question

2. Schedule an appointment with your student's counselor for a phone call or a virtual meeting (Zoom), by clicking the grade level link on the left. The counselor will respond via call or email. If a virtual meeting is requested, an email with a link to join the meeting at the designated time will be sent.


Mental Health/Behavioral Resources (English)

Crisis Mental Health Resources (Spanish)


Mandated Reporting

In compliance with HB 1176, ALL school personnel and volunteers are required to report suspected acts of child abuse to the person in charge of the facility. This report cannot be modified by any person(s) and will be reported immediately, or within 24 hours, by the person in charge of the facility to the appropriate agency