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Multi-Tier Support System (MTSS) Counselor

Ms. Nubia "A" Anacius


Office Number: 678-380-7201

Email Address:


I’m referred to as Ms. “A”

I am elated to serve our Sweetwater Middle School population in the pivotal role as an SST Coordinator in our Counseling Department. As an SST coordinator under the umbrella of the GCPS MTSS Division, I focus on identifying evidence / strength based interventive academic support tools to help advance students faced with academic, attendance and behavior challenges that present a barrier to academic success.

As a Student Support Team (SST), I collaborate with the Academic Team, Guardian, Student, and Administration to provide additional provisional academic support for the betterment of each student referred. SST represents a positive team-oriented approach to assisting students with a wide range of concerns related to their school performance and experience.

I am passionate about identifying academic strength base strategies applicable for students to overcome roadblocks to succeed and maximize their educational journey. I continue to look forward to representing and advocating for our Sweetwater Middle School student population.

I am a communication away!

-Ms. “A”